Biotonic, Energizer & Antioxidant
Royal 4 is biotonic, energizer & antioxidant start its action within ½ hour after oral admin.
Royal 4 composition is:
Royal Jelly 600mg
Korean Ginseng 250mg
Bee Pollen 200mg
Wheat Germ Oil 150mg
Royal Jelly
Is very complex mixture of compounds, contain
15% Carbohydrates, 12% Proteins, 6% Lipids &
Vitamins and Minerals
RJ is rich source of energy, so it’s effective energizer
nRJ contain 16% Aspartic acid which stimulate
tissue regeneration and spermatogenesis
nRJ contain Acetyl Choline which act as:
Neurotransmitter, help in treat peripheral neuritis
Vasodilator, help in treat ED and wound healing
Korean Ginseng
Several Sp. Grow around world but Korean sp. is the best
n Activates both physical and mental functions
nReduce the effects of stress and improve the performance (Mode enhancer)
Bee Pollen
Contain Ginsenosides which normalize many body functions (Adaptogen)
nSt. production of Thymic H. which is immunostimulant
nContain all ingredients necessary for balanced diet (Perfect Food)
nContain 22 amino acids (essential & non essential) important for wound healing
nRich in minerals and vitamins (water & fat soluble vits.)
A, E, C & Selenium are antioxidants
B complex which treat peripheral neuritis
Zinc which increase epithlization and sperm motility
nRich in Lecithin which is lip-tropic necessary for fat breakdown
nContain an inverted sugar which doesn’t fermented in intestine (for inflamed intestine)
nHas a bactericidal action on E. coli
Wheat Germ Oil
The richest source of Vit. E which is the main Antioxidant